
Hospitality venues and businesses urged to back women's safety charter

Mayor Andy Street launches campaign to drive forward cultural change to ensure women are safer on a night out in the West Midlands

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street (left) and chef and night-time economy adviser Alex Claridge are encouraging businesses to back a newly launched women's safety charter

Businesses and hospitality venues across the region are being encouraged to sign up to a new safety initiative for women which launches today.

The Women's Night Safety Charter is said to be the first of its kind in the region and sets out guidance for venues, operators, charities, councils and businesses.

More than 50 companies have already backed the initiative including the NEC Group, the HMV Empire in Coventry and the Hare and Hounds music pub in Kings Heath.

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street and Alex Claridge, chef and new night-time economy adviser, are encouraging more councils, businesses, venues and other organisations to sign up.

The charter has seven key principles which are to appoint a safety champion to drive forward action, create positive communications campaigns online and in venues, support staff to report unacceptable behaviour at work and help cultural change.

It also wants to communicate routes for the public to report unacceptable behaviour while using a business or space at night, provide staff training on relevant policies, ensure staff know how to record and and share appropriate information and finally audit venues and adapt them to promote a safer environment and reduce crime risk.

Mr Street said: "We are fortunate in the West Midlands to have an incredible night-time economy but it's clear we need to do more both to support the hospitality sector and improve night-time safety.