Somerset Council has said it is considering a number of cut backs as it faces "up to a £100m funding blackhole".
The local council, in the South West, said it is looking at selling properties, increasing council tax further, and reducing services. Its latest budget figures will go before Somerset Council's executive on November 8 where an estimated £70m increase is expected in adult social care costs for 2024/25.
In a statement the council said it cannot rely on its reserves to cover the gap for the next year and could be forced to issue a S114 notice, declaring itself bankrupt at the point of setting next year's budget in February.
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Cllr Liz Leyshon, Somerset Council’s lead member for resources and deputy leader, said: "The funding model for local Government is clearly broken, with many councils struggling in light of soaring costs and demands on services.
"But while at Woking and Birmingham their finances were also impacted by a policy decision or legal action, here in Somerset we’re simply running out of money due to the soaring costs of demand-led services, particularly the costs of residential and nursing care for adults."
She added: "This is not because of poor control of service spend, it is simply an exceptionally large increase in our costs for demand-led services which we have no choice but to manage.”
In August, Somerset Council warned that it would need to use reserves to balance the books for this year. Latest figures show the budget gap for the current financial year now stands at £27.3m. Although this figure could be covered by reserves, the projected shortfall for the following year is now £100m.
The Council said the main driver of this £70m increase in adult social care costs is caused by proposed changes to national policy, which aimed to make the cost of care fairer. Somerset Council said this has led to "significant rises" in costs. It used the example of a residential care placement now costing £900 per week next year, compared to £577 per week in 2022/23.
Council officers are now working on saving proposals, which will be voted on by executive at its December meeting. These could include selling assets and buildings, including offices; increasing Council Tax, fees and charges as much as possible; reducing staffing levels; and reducing council services to statutory levels.
Cllr Leyshon added: "Our priority will be to maximise all opportunities, work with partners and do everything we can to ensure we can continue to take care of those most in need.
"No-one wants to be in this position but we are well aware of the implications of a Section 114 notice. It is our intention to take the difficult decisions now and to set a direction for the new Council with the benefit of our local knowledge and commitment to Somerset. The alternative is to leave it to Government Commissioners, paid by the people of Somerset, to find a financial answer that does not take into account local factors or experience.”