One of the most worthwhile challenges of our time is understanding the true value of the resources we take for granted.

Greater Manchester is ahead of many parts of the world in facing up to what sustainability actually means.

The Mayor, Andy Burnham, has set ambitious targets for the decarbonisation and digitalisation of our economy but no single region or business sector can make the required step-change alone.

Collaboration is the golden thread that needs to run through everything, from manufacturers to retailers, and consumers to those people tasked with dealing with our waste.

The end game is a more circular economy.

We have to move away from the ‘make, use, and dispose’ model to an approach where we understand the true value of materials, keep resources in use for as long as possible, and extract the maximum value from them.

I’m very proud to have been invited to take part in the Innovate Manchester programme because it’s about getting closer to this goal – and sees collaboration as a path to innovation.

Collaboration means having different businesses in the conversation, large and small, across multiple sectors.

That’s the only way to get a complete picture and avoid missing key elements.

To take the example of single use plastics, there has been a rush to find ‘solutions’ resulting in lots of companies producing plastic alternatives.

But many have been produced to look just like plastic.

So, if I’m an industrial compost producer and I’ve got loads of material coming in that looks like plastic, I’m going to assume that load is contaminated and I’m going to reject it, meaning the whole load will not get composted.

It doesn’t matter that the bio-plastic cups you’ve developed have a symbol on them saying they’re compostable, I’m not going to dredge through everything looking for that symbol.

Obviously, the people producing the plastic alternatives have the best possible intentions, but they don’t understand the cycle.

The conversation needs to be, ‘What do I need to do, whether it’s a piece of packaging or any other product, so that when it’s finished being useful it can have another life?’

Or be most easily reprocessed, or recycled, or repaired or remanufactured.

We have to collaborate to avoid working in silos and only seeing one part of the chain if we’re going to change the way we produce and consume.

Waste is something that everyone produces but very few people understand. Most people don’t think twice about the stuff they throw away.

Businesses are, in fact, legally responsible for the waste they produce until it safely reaches its end destination – whether that’s being recycled, incinerated or put into landfill.

People are usually surprised to learn that the legal obligation isn’t just being passed on to the waste contractor.

My business is an online platform for SME businesses that either produce waste or manage it to help make their waste supply chains visible and transparent, minimising risk and digitalising the evidence for compliance.

Currently these supply chains are complex and opaque.

As a nation we lack good data on the waste that we create and its fate…which makes it difficult to really understand how we can repurpose those materials, those valuable resources, back into a circular economy because at the moment we have no idea what they are, where they are, how much there are and what happens to them.

But to gather good data we need good digital systems.

It’s really important the UK builds this digital infrastructure. The waste industry itself is a long way behind when it comes to software and technology.

Yes, the larger waste companies have systems but about a quarter of waste businesses only record information on paper and don’t have digital systems.

For the industry to modernise and help us create a more circular economy we need something open and accessible that ensures vast numbers of small businesses are not excluded from this digital transformation and can instead benefit from it.

Our primary target is SMEs and we service waste companies and waste producers.

They both have compliance issues and by digitally connecting these supply chains we make life easier for everyone along the chain. We are bringing that software-as-a-service model where it’s cheap and easy to implement – you don’t have to buy a server or get an on-site technician, you can just go online and sign-up.

Greater Manchester’s willingness to collaborate is a real strength. There is a really wonderful business community here.

It’s highly networked and interconnected. People know each other and are willing to make introductions.

We’ve loved being in Manchester for this reason. It’s not just the business community, but social enterprises, charities, all working together and trying to solve some of these big problems to build a better future.

Having all those people in one place, with a unified mindset, sets us apart from many other cities.

For more information on Innovate Manchester, organised by the GC Business Growth Hub and MIDAS,  got to